Legal Notice and Privacy Policy

Legal notice


In compliance with the Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services Act (LSSICE), we provide the following information to the public:

General information (Article 10 of Law 34/2002):

The ownership of this website corresponds to the company Ballestas Barcelona S.L. with social address in Calle Tallers Number 8 of Montmeló, CP 08160 and CIF: B63874424, registered in the Mercantil Register of Barcelona, Tomo 37723, Folio 83, Sheet B 309955

The identification and contact data of the company are as follows:

Social Reasons : Ballestas Barcelona S.L.
BY CIF: B63874424
The Director: Calle Tallers no 8, Polygono Industrial El Pedregar, Montmeló, CP 08160, Barcelona, Spain.
The phone: 93.429.97.00
Post of Contact:

Price Policy

All prices shown on this page include 21% VAT

Policy of shipping costs

Shipping costs will be automatically applied to the shopping cart according to the value and size of the cart and these will be reflected before the checkout is completed

In accordance with the provisions of Article 27 of Law 34/2002:

Posts that must be followed to hire “on-line”

You will have to register a user account in this section: = my account

Your personal data will be requested for the sole purpose of processing your orders correctly and sending them to the correct shipping address.If you want to know the privacy policy and processing of your personal data, please go to the section below “Privacy Policy”

Access to the sale contract:

The electronic contract document will be archived and this will be accessible online through the user section with its user and password.

Technical means to identify and correct errors in data introduction:

With your user and password you will be able to access your personal file and rectify your data.

Language or languages in which the sale contract may be formalized:


5 - General Conditions of Sale

In this link you will be able to consult all the terms relating to the conditions of online sale contracting and guarantees: conditions

After the hiring (Article 28 of Law 34/2002).

1 - You will receive a confirmation mail of the sale contract to confirm your compliance at the mail address you gave when registered

2 - You will receive a confirmation mail when the payment has been made in the recipient's account, the time in which the order will be processed.

Privacy Policy

Protection of personal data in compliance with the new GDPR Act that enters into force on 28-05-18

In order to make use of some of the services that our company offers, users must register by indicating personal data.The user of authorizes Ballestas Barcelona S.L. as the owner of the website the automated processing of the personal data included on our website and of the personal data base that it generates.

Ballestas Barcelona S.L. respects your privacy and undertakes to protect your personal data.This privacy policy will inform you about how we protect your personal data when you visit our website (from any site) and about the privacy rights and how they are legally protected.

In this Privacy Policy, we explain how your personal information is obtained and used.We are S.L. and we exercise the appropriate information controls in accordance with the provisions of the European Data Protection Directive (EU 95/46/EC) and its development regulations established in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR-EU General Data Protection Regulation).

Thro largo the text you will find how to contact us if you have any questions about privacy and data protection.

We must have a legal basis for processing your personal data and this policy explains how we act legally with respect to each of the purposes for which your information is manined and used.In general, we are empowered to process your personal information where necessary in connection with a contract between us (such as a contract to supply our products or services), to comply with our legal obligations or if we have a legitimate interest, prevailing the interests of the customer.

Please note that our access links from our website may lead you to access external websites that are not covered by this Policy.We recommend you read the Privacy Policy of third parties before sending personal information.S.L. will not be responsible for the content, function or capture of information by external websites.

What is the information we obtain and how do we do it?

You are not obliged, by law or by contract with us, to provide personal information through our website.Only, it will be required when it is strictly necessary in order to provide a service requested by you.

What information do you provide us?

Information can be requested, when the following circumstances are given, below is detailed:

When our products or services are requested.

By using and browsing on our website.

- Telephone calls, correspondence through email or publications.

This information would include the following data:

- Identification, how your full name and job may be.

Postal address, e-mail address and not telephone.

Other relevant information to use our website and our services, such as preferences, studies, answers and opinions at the Marketing level.

Information about your shipment, including the recipient.

Tax Information (for international shipping).

Payment Information (this information is protected and processed by our payment provider).

Information that we obtain from you through our website

We obtain information through cookies and similar technologies that help us to identify and differentiate you from other users of our website.These resources will optimize your online experience, not having to fill out the information that has already been requested and will allow us to make improvements on our website.For more information on this matter as well as for the use of cookies, please access our cookie policy at the end of this page.

When you visit our website, we may obtain the following information:

Information about the User Agent (electronic device) provided by your Internet browser.

If you access through a third party, this information will be registered.

If you associate your account with a third party, such as a Marketplace to import items for a shipment, the data required to facilitate access will be recorded.

Identification of devices (cookie or IP address) and general location for fraud prevention.

Data about the visits to our website and the sources to which you access, including but not limited to websites, links, traffic information, location, weblogs and other communication data.

When orders originate through advertising sources, the source of each order will be registered.The object is to analyze the effectiveness of this advertising; this information will not be used to study the customer profile.

Our website is not aimed at minors and will never be collected.

Information that we obtain from you from other sources

If you submit your candidacy for a job, criminal backgrounds could be requested through a homologated agency.You could also view the contents you have shared publicly, including social networks.

This list is not limited and to higher instances, additional information could be obtained to meet the purposes included in this policy.

Information that we receive about you from other sources

You may have allowed other websites, services or third parties to share your data with us.Including the information we receive about you, if you have used other websites with which we operate or other services that we offer.

It also includes information provided by third parties with whom we work and to whom we supply our products and services, such as a Marketplace, Ecommerce platforms, payment media providers, transport companies, technology support companies and advertising companies.

How do we use your personal data?

Legal bases for the use of your personal data

We guarantee that the use that is made of your personal data is covered by the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

Development of the purchase/selling contract established with you.

Compliance with legal obligations.

To Log our legitimate or third-party interests.Your interests will prevail over our.

How are your data used based on legality?

Here are the different uses of your personal data that may be given within each of the legal frameworks:

Development of the purchase/selling contract that is established with you.

verify your identity.

Your data may be used if it is absolutely necessary to comply with our legal obligations or to detect and prevent fraud, money laundering or other crimes.

and b.Supply of our products and services (Additional Surveillance)

The use of your personal data will be required for the fulfilment of the contracts established, such as in the case in which you are given as a customer.Your data will always be used within this context.

To provide information about the contract with us.

To provide you with information about our products and services relating to your personal requirements (e.g. goods and related services, such as goods insurance).

Check your identity.

Attention to claims that, as a result, require repairs or improvements of our products and services.

To contact you; to inform you about the changes that may be made about our products and services.

- to manage our website, including problem resolution, situation diagnosis, statistical analysis, targeted searches and tests in order to make our site safe.

If you register on a user account on our website, we could use the phone you provided to provide you with specific information that we understand may be useful for the use of your account or for you to benefit from some special campaign offer that may be of your interest.

Use of your personal data to comply with our legal obligations

To comply with our Terms and Conditions and other Policy.

Management and Logistics Planning, including Accounting and Audit.

Management of legal disputes in which you are part.

Detection and prevention of fraud, money laundering and other crimes.

Protection of the user and others from possible damage.

Your personal data may be used when it is strictly necessary to protect your or the interests of others.Including crimes, such as identity suplanation, piracy or fraud.

Use of your personal data as a result of our legitimate interests

contact you to promote products or services that may be of your interest.

Your personal data may be used to identify and inform you about products and services that may be of interest to you.

The request to receive promotional emails or calls from PACKLINK is voluntary, and can request both, no one, one or the other.Your request will not affect the rest of the products and services you have contracted with us or will be contracted in the future.

You can update your preferences at any time, in your account settings area.All information regarding preference management is collected in our Help Center

and b.Contact you to communicate important changes that may affect you or verify or update certain information.

Sometimes we may use your personal data to respond to your requests or to inform you about significant changes.

We will only use your personal data when it is strictly necessary:

Interact and answer the requests you have sent to us or any publication within the social networks where you have tagged us.

To inform you about important changes in our company or our policies.

Verify or update any important personal information, such as, for example, your banking data in the event that the form of direct debit payment (banking receipt) has been agreed, or in the event that you have contra-refunded the delivery.

c .Reply to the communications you send to us

Including calls, emails, real-time chats, posts and messages through social networks.

by d.To improve the operation of our company

In order to offer the best products, experiences and services, we may use your personal data, in the following cases:

Test and improve existing products and services and develop new products and services.

- Test and improve our actions, processes and personnel systems, including training.

- Improve our site to ensure that the contents are presented in the most effective way for you and your electronic device.

Measure and know the effectiveness of the advertising we offer to you and others, and make you get dedicated and relevant advertising.

Market studies on our products in order to improve them.Third parties could be used as information processors, which conduct the studies.

Modification of Purposes

We will only and exclusively use your personal data for the aforementioned purposes, unless reasonably considered that they are used for another reason that is compatible with the original purposes.If your personal data is required to be used for non-related purposes, you will be notified and you will be explained the legal bases that allow the aforementioned modification.

Please note that we may process your personal data without your knowledge or consent, subject to the rules described above, provided that they are within the legal framework.

With whom do we share your personal data?

How do we share your personal data within our company?

We share the data you have provided to us with our staff in such a way that we can provide you with our products and services.

How do we share your personal data with third parties?

We may share your personal data with certain third parties.For example:

Internet Hosting providers with whom we work to maintain our website, infrastructure, services and applications.

Transporters to supply goods transportation services.

- Contact Management Systems, for sending emails, instant messaging, messages through social networks and SMS.

Suppliers who manage customer opinions about our products and services.We work with third parties that act as data processors, in order to obtain opinions, valuations, comments from customers who have purchased our services through one of our websites.

In certain and exceptional circumstances, your personal data may be disclosed to third parties, such as in the following cases:

Requested by the State Security Forces and Corps, in compliance with investigations and judicial processes.

Safety and protection of our employees, our property or public property.

Prevention or detection of crimes, including exchange of information with other companies or organizations for cases of fraud prevention and credit risk reduction.

- As part of a merger, sale of business or assets.If this was done, the information would be shared with you through the interested buyer-seller.

How long do we keep your personal information?

Your information will be kept for the time needed and until the goals for which it was obtained are achieved.In the case of providing a service, the information will be stored until the service is completed.

In the rest of the cases, we will retain your personal data until your account has been liquidated, claims or legal disputes have been solved, if there were, and there was no risk of fraudulent activity.If your data is deleted, your account will be inactive.

How do we protect your personal data?

All necessary precautions will be taken so that your personal data will be treated safely in accordance with this policy.

We ensure that all the information you provide to us is transmitted safely through our website, but we must keep in mind that the transmission of information through the internet is not completely safe.Although all our resources are aimed at protecting your personal data, we are not able to guarantee the complete security of your information; therefore, any transmission you make will be under your responsibility.Once we have received your information, it will be treated under the most strict procedures and security protocols to avoid unauthorized access.

The information will be stored and processed whenever possible within the EU.If it is not possible by third parties, they agree that the information will be processed in accordance with the Privacy Shield Framework (US-EU Data Protection Agreement or EU Model Clauses (type contractual clauses used in agreements between service providers and their customers to ensure that all data that comes out of the European Economic Area is transferred in accordance with the EU Data Protection Act).

All the information you provide to us is hosted on security servers managed by third parties.Please note that you are responsible for the password that we have provided to you or that you have created to access certain areas of our site.We ask you not to share the password with anyone.

How can you help us safely store your personal data?

We will take all reasonable measures to ensure that all personal data you provide to us through our website are saved and managed safely.Ballestas Barcelona SL complies with the PCI Compliant Protocol, (established to protect the data of credit card owners during and after a financial transaction).The platform uses sophisticated security devices to protect your personal information.You can keep your personal information safe, not only on our website but when you provide your information to other online providers:

Here are some tips for you to improve the security of your personal information.

Use a modern operating system and a secure browser.

Make sure you both have the latest security update.

Use secure passwords and do not reuse them to access other websites.

Do not share your passwords.

- Report how the emails operate “stafa” and extreme caution when you use your email.

Be aware of the risks of using public WIFI networks

What rights do you have regarding your personal data?

You have the right to be informed

We have a legal obligation to provide you with concise, transparent, intelligible and easily accessible information about your personal data and its use.Precisely, we have drawn up this policy so that it is so, but if you have any questions or need more information, you can contact us through the contact means you have at your disposal on our website.
You have the right to access your personal data

You have the right to confirm if we retain any of your personal data.If they are still preserved, you have the right to have a copy of them and to be informed about:

Why are we using your data?

What categories of information are we using?

With whom have we shared your data?

How long do we keep your information?

In order to keep your data secure, we will have to verify your identity before providing you with a copy of the information we store.

The first copy you request will be free.If you require more copies, we could charge you an administrative charge to cover our costs.

You have the right to correct any incorrect/ incomplete data of your personal data

If you have requested a copy of your personal information, you may notice any errors or inaccuracies or it simply is not complete.In this case, you can contact us and we will correct/include the requested data.

You have the right to give down

Sometimes, we will not need to keep your personal data:

The information is not needed for longer, for the purpose for which it was stored.

You present your lack of consent for the conservation of the data and we have no legal reason to continue using it.

You do not agree that we continue to use your personal data and we have no reason to keep them.

We have used your data illegally.

We have received a legal notification that obliges us to delete your personal data.

In the aforementioned situations, you have the right to request the deletion of your personal data.If you think you are in one of the cases, please send an email to

You have the right to request a copy of the information to be transferred to you or to a third party in a compatible format.

Likewise, you have the right to obtain a copy of your data for your personal purposes.This right enables you to move, copy or transfer your personal data more easily from one IT system to another, in a secure way.

If you need to transfer a copy of your personal data to another organization in a homologated and readable format in computer support, please contact us.This management is free.

You have the right to give up Direct Marketing

You can notify us at any time that you prefer your personal data not to be used for Direct Marketing.If you do not wish to receive any information about this, you can request it as follows:

In any email from Marketing, you will eventually find a link where you can request it.

Or you can also send an email to

You have the right to request that we stop using your personal data for our legitimate interests

Sometimes we use your personal data to alcan goals that benefit both you and us:

When we inform you about products or services that are similar to those you use.

When we use your data to improve the operation of our company.

How much we contact you to inform you about important changes.

We aim to ensure that your rights and personal data are properly protected.If you believe that we are using your personal data unjustified and your rights are being violated, you have the right to file a complaint.

Unless there is a cause of force majeure, we will not continue to use your personal data.

In order to exercise your right on the use of your personal data, please send an email to

You have the right to restrict the use of your personal data

You have the right to ask us not to use your personal data, simply that we only keep a copy.This right may be exercised when the following circumstances are given:

You have communicated to us that the information we keep is inaccurate and we have not yet been able to verify it.

You have communicated to us that you did not agree with the use of your information for the achievement of our legitimate interests and we are evaluating your claim.

We have used your data illegally but you do not want us to delete your data.

We do not need to use your personal data for longer, but you need us to keep a copy for a legal claim.

If you understand that you are in one of these situations, please send an email to

You have rights relating to automated decisions that determine the user profile/identification

Any automated decision is merely used for the purpose of personalizing the information we provide to you.We will not use this format to make decisions that have a legal effect or that affect you significantly and you have the right not to be the subject of such decisions.If you need to raise doubts or questions about this right, please send an email to

Use of Cookies

Sometimes, we will get information from your device to improve our services.It will be used for statistical purposes about our visitors and the use they make of our site.This information will not contain any personal details.

The information will be collected through a cookie file.Cookies are automatically downloaded on your device.The file cookie is stored on your hard disk since the cookies contain information that is transferred to your hard disk.This action will help us to improve our website and the service we offer to you.

All devices can decline the use of cookies, being able to run, activating the necessary settings in your browser.Please note that if you decline your use you may not have access to some areas of our website.

We may use cookies to display advertising of interest on websites.It would be based on your visits to our website and you could also use Google Analytics data.If you do not agree, you can access Google advertising opt-out page to not be the subject of study.

Access to third parties

It may be the case that you find access links to third-party sites on our website.Third-party websites usually have their own Privacy Policy and we recommend that you visit them.Ballestas Barcelona S.L. is not responsible for the policies of third parties has no control over them.


Any changes we make in the future will be published on this page and if appropriate, we will notify you by email.Please check the updates or changes in our Privacy Policy frequently.

This version has been updated on 24/05/2018.For previous versions, please contact us.


In compliance with the RPGD, Ballestas Barcelona S.L. informs you that the personal data requested in our forms will be included in a personal database.The user of has at all times the rights of information, access, rectification, opposition and cancellation.

Any execution of these rights can be carried out by e-mail or by mail to our address, by fax at No. or by mail to, Ballestas Barcelona S.L. street Tallers No. 8, Pol.And Ind.The Pedregar, Montmeló, Barcelona, 08160.

If you wish to make a complaint about the obtaining and use of your personal data, please contact us in first instance so that we can solve it.You can directly submit your claim by email to

In the event that this personal information is voluntarily disclosed by the user in any of the public-accessible sections of the portal (chats, forums, classified ads or others), it is necessary to keep in mind that when you enter your mail, such address can be collected by third parties to be used for a different purpose, such as sending unwanted advertising to you.Our company is not responsible for the consequences of such actions.

Ballestas Barcelona S.L. we undertake not to give, sell, or share personal data in the benefit of third parties outside of our company and you will do everything you can according to your means to avoid the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the personal data provided to our company.

Ballestas Barcelona S.L. reminds the user that he will collaborate at all times with the legal authority, obeying any judicial order that means the disclosure of the identity of any user has infringed any applicable law.

Lower Emailing

If you receive any commercial email from our company, this is because you have subscribed to some newsletter, if you want to drop you have no more than send us an email with the subject down to the address by

If you receive any email from us, this may contain confidential and legally protected information.If you are not the recipient, any use, disclosure, distribution, publication or copy of the information contained in it is strictly prohibited.Both the personal data contained in this email and the email address, will never be sold or ceded to third parties, only for their internal use and communication with the user.

If you have received any message by error, and previously expressed your desire not to receive commercial mail or newsletters, please notify you by email to the address by to remove it from your system.

This mail cannot be considered Spam under the law provided you have any way of accessing your right to stop receiving unwanted emails

Other Terms and Conditions of Use

This portal and all the materials and information contained in it are provided by Ballestas Barcelona S.L. and should only be used as a consultation material.

By using this page it is understood that: You have read and understood our Terms and Conditions, and agree to respect them.If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, do not use this website or download any information or materials contained in it.

Property Information

BBSport and are registered trademarks.This website and all its elements, texts, information, notes, photos, materials, software and graphics are property of Ballestas Barcelona S.L.

The content is protected by copyright laws, trademarks, and other international intellectual property laws and conventions. Ballestas Barcelona S.L. it does not assume the property or ownership of names of third parties, registered brands or service brands that appear on this website, these are the property of its respective owners.

The contents of this website cannot be copied, modified, published, charged inside the computer, downloading from the page and transferring it or distributed in any way, without the prior written permission of Ballestas Barcelona S.L. except for personal use.

You can download a copy of the content to a computer exclusively for your particular use.However, you cannot modify or use it for commercial purposes or give it any other type of public use, representation, rental, section, modify, or divide computer programs into parts, delete any copyright notice or other literary property notice of content, or transfer it to another person.

Ballestas Barcelona S.L. you reserve the right to change, update, discontinue, restrict the access to this page to its content at any time, without prior notice.

Applied Law and Jurisdiction

The present General Conditions of Purchase shall be interpreted and governed in accordance with the Spanish legislation.For any litigious issue derived from the existence, access, use or content of the General Conditions of Purchase, both the Customer and the Customer Ballestas Barcelona S.L. With express renunciation to any other court that may correspond to them, they are subject to the jurisdiction and exclusive competence of the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona